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dc.contributor.advisorHeredia Borja, Anyela
dc.contributor.authorAcevedo Grisales, Laura
dc.contributor.authorUrrea Botero, Anderson
dc.contributor.authorVilla Duque, Andrea
dc.description.abstractIt is essential to take into account that to successfully achieve internationalization, companies have to face and overcome some barriers, one of those is the language barrier; for that reason, they hire professionals that have command of foreign languages to help the companies to establish themselves in international territories. The companies from Medellín are not external to the multiple benefits that internationalization can bring to them and to the city’s development since the city has been gradually working on the consolidation of its international relations as a local development engine, leaving behind the economic standard based on the industry in order to enter into the commercial services (Cortés, 2015). Due to that, some universities created language programs with the objective to train professionals that have proficiency in different languages, for example the ECCI University created the Modern Languages program as a response to the needs for internationalization that the companies in the city have. This research aims to identify the needs of fashion and tourism companies in Medellín regarding the hiring of bilingual and multilingual personnel that supports their internationalization processes. Through semi-structured interviews and data collection from 10 fashion and 10 tourism companies, the study delves into the needs of these two clusters, seeking to understand the role that a modern languages professional could play in the internationalization process in fashion and tourism companies, in order to know if the study plan offered by the ECCI University for the Modern Languages program really meets the companies’ needs for internationalization.eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstract Introduction Problem statement Justification Research question Research objectives General objective Specific objectives Theoretical Framework Globalization Internationalization processes Interculturality, culture and languages Modern languages Fashion and tourism clusters State of the art Internationalization benefits Culture and languages Language programs in Medellín Modern languages professional employability Study plan of Modern Languages Program from the ECCI University Methodological framework Sample Population Instrument Research phases Phase 1 Literature review Phase 2 Sample selection Phase 3 Interview Phase 4 Analysis Interview’s questions Analysis of fashion companies Analysis of tourism companies In-depth analysis of both fashion and tourism clusters Comparison between the companies’ needs for internationalization and the Modern Languages study plan from the ECCI University Limitations Conclusions Recommendations References Annexes Annex 1. Semi-structured interview Annex 2. Informed consenteng
dc.rightsDerechos Reservados - Universidad ECCI, 2023spa
dc.titleNeeds of fashion and tourism companies from Medellín concerning the hiring of bilingual and multilingual personnel that support their internationalization processeseng
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregradospa
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dc.subject.proposalFashion clustereng
dc.subject.proposalTourism clustereng
dc.subject.proposalModern languageseng
dc.subject.proposalProfessional profileeng
dc.description.degreenameProfesional en Lenguas Modernasspa
dc.description.programLenguas Modernasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y Humanasspa

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