@TECHREPORT{Pal_Bog_2014, author = "Palacios Silva, Angela María - Católico Pulido, Julián David", title = "Bogota culture for foreign language exchange", abstract = "A lot of time after the investigation about the perception from foreign people about our country, is important not leave behind the great help that this project would give to a great projection. Clearly is a strong point to know that foreigners enjoy the culture that day by day live while they study our idiom in the capital of our country. Therefore, once we worked in project like that, where found out the perception of foreigners that live in Bogota, we can approach a proposal that helps and gives a new way of language exchange, where foreigners find a different way to learn Spanish and people who study another idiom have a comfortable way to practice it.", year = 2014, institution = "Universidad ECCI", url = "https://repositorio.ecci.edu.co/handle/001/2178", }