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dc.contributor.advisorChávez Monsalve, Andrés Felipe
dc.contributor.authorLuna Giraldo, Miranda
dc.description.abstractLa pandemia del COVID-19 representó un gran reto para diferentes organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro que realizaban sus actividades de manera presencial. Reportes previos demuestran que varias organizaciones debieron reducir la cantidad de talento humano que realizaba las actividades, así como el presupuesto utilizado. La mayoría de reportes y artículos creados ante esta situación se enfocaban principalmente en cómo recuperar fondos durante la pandemia. Sin embargo, el componente humano es igual de importante para el funcionamiento correcto de una organización sin ánimo de lucro. Esta pasantía se concentró en realizar una estrategia de engagement para los voluntarios y aliados de una organización sin ánimo de lucro a través de diferentes estrategias de marketing digital y la creación de un programa de embajadores. Como resultado, se logró mantener la interacción de los voluntarios activa durante los últimos meses del año 2021, así como tener un mayor engagement por medio de e-mail marketing mayor que el promedio esperado para las organizaciones sin ánimo de
dc.description.abstractThe COVID-19 pandemic represented a great challenge for different non-profit organizations that carried out their activities in person. Previous reports show that several organizations had to reduce the amount of human talent that carried out the activities, as well as the budget used. Most of the reports and articles created in this situation focused mainly on how to recover funds during the pandemic. However, the human component is just as important to the proper functioning of a non-profit organization. This internship focused on making an engagement strategy for volunteers and partners of a non-profit organization through different digital marketing strategies and the creation of an Ambassador Program. As a result, it was possible to maintain an active volunteer engagement during the last months of 2021, as well as to have an engagement through e-mail marketing higher than the average expected for non-profit organizations.eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsTable of Contents List of Figures 3 Glossary 4 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: The Organization 5 Company history 5 Description of the organization 5 Legal constitution 5 Mission 5 Vision 6 Location 6 Organizational structure 7 General Assembly 7 Accountant 7 CEO 7 HR Manager 8 Literacy+ Leader 8 GLOT Mentoring Leader 8 Interpreting Services 8 Marketing Team 8 Chapter 2: The Internship 9 Problem identification 9 Internship objective 10 Specific Objectives 10 Role and duties of the intern 10 Internship timeline 10 INTERNSHIP REPORT 2 By the end of September 11 By the end of October 11 By the end of November 11 By the end of December 11 By the end of January 11 By the end of February 11 Chapter 3: Contributions to the Organization 13 Achievements 13 Objective 1 13 Objective 2 13 Objective 3 14 Limitations 15 Conclusions 16 Recommendations 17 Referencesspa
dc.publisherUniversidad ECCIspa
dc.titleIntership reportspa
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregradospa
dc.relation.referencesBuitrago, L. S. (2017). El inglés en la zona rural de Colombia: aplicación del modelo Working with people, del método Content-based y de los ambientes de aprendizaje en la clase de lengua extranjera en Subia, Cundinamarca [Pontificia Universidad Javeriana]. %20sofia.pdf?sequence=1spa
dc.relation.referencesHarris, W. What Are the Average Click and Read Rates For Email Campaigns? Campaign Monitor (blog). -and-read-rates-for-email-campaignsspa
dc.relation.referencesLeadership Albuquerque 2011 Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico. (2011, April). Creating a Teen Board/Ambassador Program: Developing a Program that Works. Center for Non-Profit Excellence. mbassador%20Program%20Toolkit%20CNPE.pdfspa
dc.relation.referencesNonprofit Finance Fund. (2012). Small Nonprofits Solving Big Problems. nonprofitfinancefund.orgspa
dc.relation.referencesObi, I., Jimson-Miller, A., Hahn, M., & Hall, D. (2019, June, 10-11). The Ambassador Program: A Framework for Recruiting and Engaging Flexible Volunteers. RAIS. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3267673spa
dc.relation.referencesWorld Literacy Foundation. (2021). WLF Ambassador Program. am-2021_compressed.pdfspa
dc.subject.proposalOrganización sin ánimo de lucrospa
dc.subject.proposalCompromiso voluntariospa
dc.subject.proposalTalento humanospa
dc.subject.proposalNon-profit organizationeng
dc.subject.proposalVolunteer engagementspa
dc.subject.proposalHuman talenteng
dc.description.degreenameProfesional en Lenguas Modernasspa
dc.description.programLenguas Modernasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y Humanasspa

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