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dc.contributor.advisorGarcía Ardila, Alexis
dc.contributor.authorEspitia Casallas, Erika Milena
dc.contributor.authorRomero González, Claudia Liliana
dc.description.abstractThere is a concern about the economic situation of our country, the low rates of employment and the need for a comprehensive education that is based on the development of thought and the pursuit of knowledge in the community. Given these concerns, this thesis proposes to show the impact that brings a foreign language as a factor that can be a catalyst and promoter of economic, social, cultural development. However, this conception a little complex, are rooted variety of contexts-cultural, social, and economic, to be able to finally answer the question based on the need and the impact that leads managing a second language in these aspects. As technology and the economy going forward, the need to learn another language becomes vital; therefore, it can be argued that it is a matter of lack of resources, such as the time and financial investment, the reasons for which the user will be able to decide about the necessity of learning a second language or not.eng
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction 2. Problem Of Investigation 2.1 Statement Of The Problem 2.2 Formulation Of The Problem 3. Justification 4. Objectives 4.1 General Objectives 4.2 Specific Objectives 5. Theoretical Framework 5.1 Foreing Language: Generally 5.1.1 Foreing Language In Economic Terms 5.1.2 Foreing Language In Social Terms 5.1.2 Foreing Language In Cultural Terms 6. Frame Of Reference 7. 1 Population 7. 2 Results 8. Conclutions 9. Bibliography 10. Annexes 10.1 Annex 10.2 Annexeng
dc.publisherUniversidad ECCIspa
dc.rightsDerechos Reservados - Universidad ECCI, 2016spa
dc.titleThe need to manage a foreign language in order to generate economic, social and cultural development in our countryeng
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregradospa
dc.relation.referencesCrystal, D. (1997) English_As_A_Global_Language_-_David_Crystal.pdF. Consult 10th, march 2016, from
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dc.subject.proposalLenguaje extranjerospa
dc.subject.proposalForeign Languageeng
dc.description.degreenameProfesional en Lenguas Modernasspa
dc.description.programLenguas Modernasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y Humanasspa

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