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dc.contributor.advisorVarón, Robinson
dc.contributor.authorMurcia Ramírez, Rosa Delia
dc.contributor.authorParra Montoya, Lina Katherinne
dc.contributor.authorZambrano Ulloa, Bibiana Andrea
dc.description.abstractThe tourism is an activity that human beings practice to know different countries and cultures; with the time, the tourism has become in one of the most lucrative business for all nations due to the profit that it generates. This industry is handled basically by the hotel sector which takes charge of the accommodation of people, whether for tourism or business purposes. Being a sector that generates a high profit index, there is a high demand of hotels that offer different services to compete with the others. The number of international tourists have increased in the last years as a result of the different economic and cultural changes that the country lives at present, the free trade agreement (TLC, Available on October 30, 2008), the inclusion of several multinationals as Art Hotels & Condominiums (Belgium), a luxury hotel chain, and Intercontinental Hotels Group (United Kingdom) a hotel chain in charge of hotels in Colombia as Holiday Inn, Waya Guajira and Bog 87 and by strategies as Colombia es Pasión and Colombia es Realismo Mágico.eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsIntroduction Problem Statement Background Description Justification Objectives General Objetive Specific Objectives Rersearch Line Historical Framework History and Evolution of The Hotel Sector History of The Hotel Sector in Colombia History of Tourism Tourism in Colombia Theoretical Framework Hotelería Types of hotels and category Profile and training of a hotel employee Tourism Turismology Bilingualism Bilingualism in Colombia Glossary Methodological Design Analysis of Data Analysis of the survey Conclusions Bibliography Annexeseng
dc.publisherUniversidad ECCIspa
dc.rightsDerechos Reservados - Universidad ECCI, 2017spa
dc.titleBilingualism in the hotel sector of Bogotaeng
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregradospa
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dc.description.degreenameProfesional en Lenguas Modernasspa
dc.description.programLenguas Modernasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y Humanasspa

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